The project will be implemented in the border crossing area between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia and specifically between the municipalities of Prespes and Resen, in the northwest edge of Greece (municipality of Florina), east of Prespa Lake, on the borderline between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia at a narrow strip of land, where a crossing point pre-existed and where the two countries are essentially joined by road.

The Prespa water body (Big Prespa Lake) connects three countries, Greece, Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia and is the region’s most important wetland protected by the Ramsar Convention. 

The area is part of Prespa Park, the first transboundary protected area in the Balkans, which was established in February 2000 with a joint tripartite declaration. Four national Parks (The Prespa National Park of Greece, Prespa National Park in Albania, and the Galicica and Pelister National Parks of the Republic of North Macedonia) constitute the first Prespa Cross-border Park, the first cross-border protected area in the Balkans, with the aim of comprehensive and effective protection of the common natural and cultural values ​​of the region with the participation of its inhabitants. 

The Agreement on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park Area was signed in 2010 by Greece, the Republic of North Macedonia, Albania, and the European Union.

The border crossing point of Lemos was operated until 1967 between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia and served the inhabitants of the region in both sides of the border. The border crossing was abolished and although the relations between the two countries were smooth after 1974, the border crossing has never been restored.

Following the Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers in February 2000, on the establishment of the first cross-border protected area in the Balkans, the need for sustainable development in the area, while protecting the environment, raised the issue of local border crossings and cross border waterborne movements.

The agreement between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia on the establishment of this new Border Crossing Point in the Prespa Lake area was signed on 08/03/2019,  recognizing the valuable experience gained from the cooperation with respect to Prespa Lake Area since 2000, taking into account the Strategic Action Plan for the Sustainable Development of Prespa Park and the Agreement on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Prespa Park Area, as well as the wish of the respective local authorities and aiming to further strengthen and promote regional cooperation between the two States in order to create the most favorable conditions for its development and to contribute to the development of sustainable tourism in the Prespa Lake and to the enhancement of the friendly relations of their peoples.

The dynamic that is expected to be developed in this region will embrace also Albania on the basis of common interests, confidence building, and common perspective. The implementation of the idea can be divided in two stages. The first one regards the maturation of the studies needed for the implementation of BCP infrastructure, while the second one regards the implementation of the construction works.