Preparatory activities for the establishment of the border crossing point between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia at the Prespa Lake Area.

Τhe Region of Western Macedonia (Lead Partner)
Region of Western Macedonia is the Lead Beneficiary of the project. It is the main body in Western Macedonia for regional planning and programming and responsible of the Regional Operational Programme of Western Macedonia during all programming periods. Regional Authority has a great experience in the field of implementation of public works and also in the implementation of national and EU transnational project by participating in several consortiums. As the border-crossing point is located in the area of Western Macedonia Region from the Greek side and due to its importance for the regional develiopment of the wider area, Regional Authority has been selected as the most appropriate to be the Lead Beneficiary.
Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace)
Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) deploys the governmental policy in the Northern Greece. Its mission is to promote the comparative advantages of the region, natural, architectural and cultural heritage and to collaborate with European/International counterparts on areas of common interest such as environment, infrastructure, and culture heritage and tourism development, in terms of sustainable regional development. It has a dedicated Department for EU Programs and a Directorate managing International/Balkan relations. It has successfully completed lots of Interreg projects and its personnel is highly educated and experienced. It has a key role as the superior level public body in the area, the authority to implement/influence national policies and the capacity to mobilize Municipalities/Regions/key stakeholders in the area. It has played an active role for the establishment of the Prespa BCP, contributing since 2018 in technical and administrative preparatory works.

ANKO Western Macedonia S.A. / Organization for Local Development
Established in 1985 having as stakeholders in Western Macedonia Region, the Regional Authority, the Regional Development Fund, the Union of Local Authorities and chambers. PB3 has extensive experience in maturing, supervision and management of large scale technical works for local authorities in the fields of buildings constraction, spatial and urban planning and energy. Also in its field of activities are the preparation and support of regional development programs and the participation in national and EU projects supporting entrepreneurship, tourism, energy saving and regional development.
PB3 also acts as a consultant to all regional bodies in Western Macedonia Region, assisting them to plan their development strategy and exploit their strengths.
It employs high level scientific staff of all fields of expertise, is qualified under EN-ISO 9001:2015 and applies an internal M.I.S. with a set of several Management & Production applications.
Ministry of Interior of Republic of North Macedonia
PB4 is public institution that is responsible for: functioning of the public and state safety system; prevention of violent destruction of the democratic institutions determined by the Constitution ; protection of life, personal safety and the property of the citizens; prevention of outburst of national, racial and religious hatred and intolerance; prevention of committing criminal and minor offences, identification and arresting perpetrators and undertaking other measures prescribed by Law, for pursuit of the perpetrators; civil affairs and other affairs established by the law.