The main actions carried out in the framework of the BorPres project were presented in the context of two open events organized by the Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) in Athens and Thessaloniki at the beginning of September.
The two open events of the Ministry of the Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) were held in Athens on the 5th and in Thessaloniki on the 7th of September 2023, with a notable representation and participation of representatives of agencies. The central theme of both events was the planning process for the Prespa Border Station in the framework of the BorPres project and the development perspective of the lake area after its opening.
It is noted that the BorPres project for the Prespa Border Station includes the preparatory actions for the installation of the Border Crossing Point between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia in the area of Lake Prespa and is co-funded by the European Union and by national funds of the countries participating in the Programme Interreg IPA-CBC “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia”.
Following the same work schedule in the first part of both events, representatives of the cooperating agencies within the framework of the BorPres project – executives and partners of the Region of Western Macedonia, the Ministry of the Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace), the ANKO of Western Macedonia and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia – presented the implementation process and the results of the project so far, specifically:
Finally, Mr. Nahim Ramuka, Head of Unit at the Department of Cross-Border Relations and Migration of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia presented specifically at the Thessaloniki event (due to its transnational character) the technical services for the structural/architectural study and preparation of the project tender file for the reconstruction – with upgrading and expansion – of the State Border Police Station Markova Noga, with a pedestrian connection to the facilities of the border crossing point.
Then, in the second part of the two events, the promotion of Prespa was sought on the basis of the fourfold Tourism | Culture | Environment | Agricultural Production and Gastronomy, as well as its connection with the regional and national strategy for tourism, as well as other initiatives implemented in the region. Speakers in this second part were representatives and officials of the Municipalities of Prespa and Resen, the Region of Western Macedonia, the Ministry of Tourism and the Natural Environment and Climate Change Organization. Analytically:
Especially at the Thessaloniki event, Mr. Krste Micalevski, Head of the Department of Local Economic Development and Cross-Border Cooperation made a presentation on the importance of the cultural, natural and tourist resources of the Municipality of Resen.
Finally, the Athens event was honored with their presence and greeted by the Mayor of Prespa, Mr. Panagiotis Paschalidis, Mr. Dimitrios Mallios, Head of the Foreigners and Border Protection Branch of the Hellenic Police Headquarters, deputy chairman of the Greek Department of the Committee of Experts and Ms. Dionysia Hatzilakou, Head of the Directorate for the Management of Protected Areas Sector, Natural Environment and Climate Change Organization, while the Region of Western Macedonia was represented by the mandated Regional Councilor, Mr. Vasilios Amba. On behalf of the Ministry of the Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace), Dr. Ioannis Kotziampasis, Head of the Co-funded Programs and Regional Development Department. Accordingly, the Thessaloniki event opened with the greeting of the Deputy Minister of the Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) Stathis Konstantinidis, which was read by the Senior Director General and Head of the Directorate of International Relations and Regional Policy, Mr. Theophylaktos Papadopoulos. Afterwards, the representative of the Minister of the Interior of North Macedonia, Mr. Muamet Redzepi, the Mayor of Prespo, Mr. Panagiotis Paschalidis, and the Mayor of Resen, Mr. Jovan Tozievski, addressed a greeting.
The Region of Western Macedonia was represented by the mandated Regional Councilor Mr. Vasilios Aba, while during the event the greeting of Mrs. Dionysias Hatzilakou, Head of the Directorate for the Management of Protected Areas Sector A of OFYPEKA was also read.
With an eye on the steps that need to be taken to complete the BorPres project, but also on the next actions for the operation of the border station, the two events were completed, leaving positive impressions and important expectations for all participants, regarding both the implementation of the project of the opening and operation of the border post, as well as the dynamic development of the Prespa lakes on both sides of the border.
More information about the BorPres project can be found on the official project website:
The “BorPres” project is co-funded by the European Union and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg IPA-CBC Program “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia”.
The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the Managing Authority.