The establishment of the border crossing point between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia at the Prespa Lake Area

The project regards the Preparatory activities for the establishment of the border crossing point between Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia at the Prespa Lake Area, as the 1st stage of the project, namely the maturation of the studies needed for the implementation of the border projects that will be proposed during the next programming period 2021-2027

The project’s main outputs include the following:

For Greece studies regarding a) the maturation of the crossing-border works and b) the maturation of urban development of Lemos settlement

For the Republic of North Macedonia preparatory activities for reconstruction/renovation of the State border security police station at Markova Noga

Prespes Destination Branding

Management plan on tourist flows after the opening of the new border crossing point, for the sustainable development of the Prespa lakes area

Communication and dissemination actions : Video creation, open events, communication material